There are a number of policies that residents should be aware of.
This policy sets out YMCA Cheshire’s attitude and approach towards drug usage in our services.
Aim of Policy
The aim of this policy is to
- Define the criteria by which a room in the Foyer is let
- Reduce void losses within the Foyer
Aim of Policy
The aim of this policy is to
- Protect the rights of service users and staff to have visitors, whilst ensuring the health and safety of all visitors, service users and staff with regard to people visiting the premises
Aim of policy
YMCA Crewe Foyer wishes to provide the best possible service. The aim of the Service User Complaints Policy is to ensure that the principle stakeholders in YMCA Crewe, the service users, have a clear and robust route for making any complaints related to the service or the staff (not complaints from one service user about another).
Aim of policy
This policy brings together the YMCAs duties, responsibilities and approach to dealing with adult abuse. It incorporates the full range of obligations under current safeguarding and counter terrorist and violent extremism legislation and best practice.
This policy applies to all staff, including senior managers and the board of trustees, paid staff, volunteers and sessional workers, agency staff, students or anyone working on behalf of YMCA Crewe.
We believe that everyone has a right to be treated with dignity, fairness and respect. We understand that fairness, inclusion and valuing people’s diversity is at the heart of our work. Promoting diversity and inclusion and recognising the different needs of residents and communities is essential to achieving our aim of creating new futures.
This policy sets out how the Company processes the personal data of data subjects, including the personal data of job applicants and the personal data of our current and former directors, employees, workers, agency workers, apprentices, interns, volunteers, contractors, consultants, clients, customers, suppliers, and other third parties.
All members of staff are entitled to be treated with dignity and respect in our place of work. This means freedom from sexual harassment, feeling safe and supported, and having access to redress if such behaviour does arise.