YMCA Crewe is calling on local residents to come together and sleep rough for one night in March to support local, homeless young people.
YMCA Crewe is one of several YMCAs across the country that have joined forces to raise awareness of youth homelessness during the national YMCA Sleep Easy Week, running from Friday 6 to Friday 13 March. Since launching in 2010, YMCA Sleep Easy week has seen more than 7000 people sleep rough to raise more than £1.5million for local YMCA services that help young people rebuild their lives. It will be the first time YMCA Crewe are taking part in the challenge.
The week will see donors sleep out for one night all over England to raise awareness of the hundreds of young people who sleep rough every year and raise funds to help YMCA Crewe continue to support residents and young people in their services.
This year’s local event will take place at Memorial Square in Crewe Town Centre from 7pm on Friday 13th March to 7am on Saturday 14th March 2020. Participants will spend the night sleeping outside to raise money to support the YMCA in providing a pathway to settled and secured housing. Registration costs £10 and participants will be supported to raise as much sponsorship money as they can.
This will be the first Sleep Easy night that YMCA Crewe has organised, and is aiming to raise up to £15,000.
If you’re interested in taking part you can find out more by contacting Community and Events Fundraiser Lisa Cormack on 01270 257673, or at lisa.cormack@ymcacheshire.org.uk.