15 December 2022

While our focus is normally on sharing the highlights of our work here at YMCA Crewe, YMCA England and Wales have recently put together some facts and stats about YMCA’s national work over the past year, and we think its a really useful read for learning more about how our work in Crewe fits in to the national picture of support.

Here are some of our highlights:

YMCA supports 65 million people across 120 countries

In England and Wales, 83 YMCAs, working in 688 communities, with 3900 staff and 1900 volunteers, are supporting 375,197 young people every year

Nationally, we provide safe and secure housing for 20,357 people each night

Our youth and community services provide safe spaces for 34,698 young people

And our community cafes collectively serve 23,200 visitors each year

That’s a lot of people!

Although the national numbers are impressive, its important to remember that each YMCA is its own charity, responsible for its own fundraising. We can only make a difference at a local level with the support of our community.

To find out more about supporting our work through donations, volunteering or advocacy, then please get in touch at info@ymcacheshire.org.uk.

If you’d like to learn more about our national facts and stats, you can read the full report here:
